About Xylena vom Haus Brezel

Our pretty Xylena! 

Show rating: Vorzuglich
Description: Excellent show ring performance in working class

Breed survey: Koerklasse 
Description: Especially recommended for breeding based on confirmation; courage,  obedience under pressure, endurance tests and hips/elbows rating certifications

Working title: Sch3

Description:  The highest level 3 in scent tracking, protection and advanced obedience performance

Hips/elbows: HD a2 ED a0 

Description: Good Normal

DM: Normal/Normal

Description: Clear/negative of Degenerative Myelopathy genes presence

Xylena is a certified medical alert service dog and lives inside the home with our family and other dogs

DM clear – both normal/normal result. DNA registered.

Stunning VP2 USA VICE SIEGERINE JR PUPPY – NATIONAL SIEGER SHOW LAKE GENEVA, WI, BY UNITED SCHUTZHUND CLUBS OF AMERICA -UScA, UNDER SV JUDGE PETER SCHWEIMER, there were appr. 40 females in her class; she is also V show rated in working class (Germany).

She has been raised in our house since 8 wks old. We have trained, taken all the way to sch3, kkl1LBZ and shown several times in Germany by our kennel

Xylena is daughter of World GrandChampion VA BSZS Ingodd’s Agassi and World ranked V54 BSZS, GrandChampion – highest VA show rated in USA, highest level SCH3 Lissy vom Baruther Land, granddaughter of World GrandChampion legend VA1 BSZS Zamp, VA BSZS Ghandi

Xylena has deepest richest mahogany red/black color; dark, black face and glossy black saddle; extremely wide bone; very big head, extra thick coat

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