About Greta vom Stuber Haus

Show rating: Vorzuglich
Description: Excellent show ring performance in working class

Breed survey: Koerklasse 
Description: Especially recommended for breeding based on confirmation; courage,  obedience under pressure, endurance tests and hips/elbows rating certifications

Working title: IGP3

Description:  The highest level 3 in scent tracking, protection and advanced obedience performance

Hips/elbows: HD a2 ED a0

Description: Good Excellent

DM: Normal/Normal

Description: Clear/negative of Degenerative Myelopathy genes presence

Greta lived in our house since 8 wks old and was titled all the way to highest Sch3 level, shown in Germany, obtained lifetime breed survey by our kennel. Top V rated in Germany, all World GrandChampions pedigree!

Greta is a certified medical alert service dog and lives inside the home with our family and other dogs

DM clear – both normal/normal result. DNA registered.

Greta is a super producer, her puppies have very nice structure and movement, very big bone, dark face mask, deepest richest mahogany red/black color, very good drive

Greta’s korung:

Tall, medium strong, stretched, well pigmented, strong head, high withers, straight back, very good length and position of croup, correct angulations of rear and front, balanced chest proportions, straight sequence of steps, straight front, very good, far reaching, fluid gaits. Secure temperament, TSB, pronounced; does release.

born 02/25/2009; super breeding between GrandChampion VA Ronaldo vom Zellergrund, male with the highest level of pedigree in whole Sieger history and super producing foundation female Victoria von Fuerstenberg; Greta is granddaughter of twice World GrandChampion VA1 BSZS Larus and also on her mother side she comes from World GrandChampions VA1 BSZS Jeck Noricum and VA1 BSZS Visum Arminius lines
dark face; 60 cm, 80 lbs

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